Clem Owen Ecayan

Miniature Artist


Clem Owen Ecayan is an El Nido resident Palaweño, college student and handmade musical miniaturist artist. For several years, Clem has been silently developing his craft made distinct by his use of popsicle sticks and recycled materials.


In Depth

Going Viral

Though his art has gone largely unnoticed, social media has opened opportunities for his work to be showcased, after an initial post in 2020 on his Facebook group, GUHIT Pinas. In our virus infested world, this post went viral and brought attention and admiration for his art that led to features in both print and broadcast media outlets. The media recognition has been very memorable for the young artist as it has brought him local acclaim and a confidence boost for his pursuit in a career in the arts.

In pursuit of a professional life

His work is inspired and greatly motivated by family and all those who are there to accompany him along the road, as he works on various projects and artworks in pursuit of a professional life in the arts.

Financial blessing

The commissions he has received for his artwork has been a financial blessing as it has allowed him to contribute to his family's daily needs. Although it would be ideal to expand his client base, at this time, his art commissions have been limited within his Palawan hometown as he navigates all the limitations brought about by the Covid pandemic and the logistics involved in the transport of his miniatures.

Recent work

Clem's most recent commission is a miniature of a church; a gift for a priest that will be moving on to another parish.


In a post pandemic world, he dreams of collaborating with other artists to create a miniature diorama. Through social media, he hopes to showcase his talent to a larger audience; a global audience that will be given a glimpse of the unique, innovative, and creative talent of the Filipino artist

Aspires to inspire

Through his work, he aspires to inspire others as well and communicate to his audience the beauty of art. Clem believes in everyone's capacity to learn and create art and is willing to lend a hand to develop the talent of others. Although he works on his craft only during his free time, his artwork has expanded to sketches and paintings as he seeks to create expressions in different mediums.


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